Prescribed Bodies Corporate

The Native Title Act 1993 provides for the establishment of prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs) for each native title determination in order to hold in trust, or manage, the determined native title on behalf of the native title holders.

PBCs are currently regulated by the Native Title Act 1993, the Native Title (Prescribed Bodies Corporate) Regulations 1999, and from 1 July 2007, the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).

The PBC's role is to deal with native title issues post determination.  In the Carpentaria Land Council's region, the following PBC’s have been registered:

  • Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (GGNTAC) ICN 7365;
  • Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (GRAC) ICN 7139;
  • Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (WNTAC) ICN 7448.

Moving forward, the CLCAC is focussing on assisting these PBC’s to become financially independent and self-sufficient and to generate economic and social benefits from native rights and interests.  For more information on this initiative visit our Economic Development page.